Review by Anais Ordóñez

Fight Club 1999

Oops, I guess you can say that, yes, I am aware I am breaking the first two rules initiated. But, fuck it! Fight Club sets out to break the rules. This classic about the Narrator, an insomniac who meets an odd but very cool soap salesman, named Tyler Durden, is fucking amazing in every single way! Once the narrator's apartment burns down, he begins to live with Durden, where soon, they create a secret fight club taken place under grounds. One of the coolest part about the movie is that not only does fight club become a favoured ground but it additionally ends up becoming a movement.

I think that Fight Club is such a hilarious; quotable; intense; brutal; and intelligent film. The cinematography is amazing but don’t even get me started on the script. The concept is intelligent in every single way. This movie is quotable af, and Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter completely epitomize their characters. So much talent in one film. It isn’t even just them but the supporting characters, too.

Fight Club demonstrates such a bleak and raw portrayal of human society. The narrator has such a dull life and relentlessly desires more, therefore, creating the imaginary Tyler Durden, whom, to quote the man, “All the ways you wish you could be, that’s me. I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable and most importantly, I am free in all the ways you are not.” The film teaches the audience that people should allow to accept their authentic selves. We are not special in this world. “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need” (Tyler Durden), being cool and edgy, owning fancy clothes, and having a nice home and a kick-ass car does not make us special. And Fight Club completely mocks that utilizing it in the Durden’s “masculinity.” In this film, we learn to just wake tf up and take a look at the reality around us. No one is special and in the end, the movie just portrays the bleak and brutal, dark side of reality in which Durden faces; death. The narrator is left with a chance to start all over.

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