Really loving this show so far!


Everyone talks about The Kid being evil but I think that’s wrong. Stephen King stories have twists so I assume one set in his universe would too. Therefore the Kid being evil is too obvious.

Bad things happen because of him? Does it though? It’s perspective. He has a dark expression on his face in episode 1 when the rat gets caught in the trap. Well, he could have been stressed or anxious because he was in a new setting around people he didn’t know...traumatized and all. Or maybe he suspected the rat would die and was upset because he wanted it to live?

The Neo-Nazi prisoner. He could easily have been ill without himself or anyone else knowing. Sometimes it happens. The Kid’s line ‘you don’t want to touch me’ could have been the only way he could say ‘don’t touch me’. It seems like the only phrases and sentences The Kid says well are Bible quotes that Lacy recited to him. His vocabulary is close though a child’s.

Lacy claimed he was the devil, having been told that by God. So, what if he was ill? Or what if someone was manipulating him?

When Alan says in this episode he left The Kid in the trunk my immediate thought was - how did you know it was real?! What made him think The Kid was evil? Why’d he let Lacy kidnap him?

Each episode shows a little more about The Kid. How he’s clearly traumatized by what happened to him. The way he talks is a bit like a child. And in this episode, the part where he remembers the piano, I got the distinct feeling he is in fact human.

I have a couple episodes to get caught up on but my theory so far is this:

There IS an evil being in Castle Rock but it’s not The Kid. The devil would know how to manipulate. So tricking two good people into hurting a child - kidnaping and essentially torturing him all those years - would seem like a very demonic thing to do.

I love that this show is so well written and keeps people wondering. I can’t wait to watch more.

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