Shout by Rose
BlockedParent2018-09-04T20:10:30Z— updated 2018-09-05T21:35:32Z

It was a brilliant idea on the side of the creators of the show to use a seemingly known character and franchise as a platform to talk about people from the Middle East or other poor regions, and what drives them to seek refuge. It's highly unlikely that any of the potential viewers would have been interested enough to look for documentaries on this matter, so this type of forced exposure can be very educational. Just like the Turkish man said, geography is destiny. Some people just happen to have been born in a country where they have nothing, and it's not their fault, while others, such as those who live in the West, have access to everything. And then this Western privilege of having never lived in truly harsh conditions allows for xenophobia, making the immigrants who are looking for a better life have to face hardship yet again.

P.S. Since the first episode I'm really impressed by the actor behind Greer.

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