Man, they did a great job this season, I enjoyed it so much! I almost wish we had 13 episodes as usual with these shows because it feels like it went by so quick, but well, maybe that's one of the reasons it was so good.

This finale had what I thought were the best fight scenes this show ever had... or at least my personal favourites. Not just the fight sequences but the fact that everyone was involved - Colleen with Davos, then Danny with Mary, then Misty shows up... it felt very well put together. And I love the different coloured fists depending on the person, really gives it a comic-book vibe.

Colleen gaining the fist was something I never expected in a million years. Being a superhero show I'd say you sort of instantly expect Danny to recover the power and use two fists... but they went on a completely different direction focusing on Colleen for a while there and that elevated the story. And then it all came together with her ancestors' story/her destiny, it was impressive and exciting. We need more!

It sucks that there is still no suit for Danny but at this point it almost feels out of place. At least this season we got to see the cowls. What we did get, though, were the two glowing hands in that crazy Japan scene. If season 3 is at least partially about Danny and Ward's travels, I'm all for it.

Other than that, Ward was one of the highlights for me (just like season 1), I like where they ended with Joy, I adore how they're pairing Misty and Colleen... and there is Mary, who made everything even better - even with all that was going on, they managed to introduce and give a whole backstory to this character, hopefully we get to see more of her soon. (Military story kinda fits Punisher...?)

Super excited about the after-credits scene, which I would have totally missed if not made aware of before watching (Netflix, at least on PS4, would have bypassed it). Daredevil coming in November/December?

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@playsonic2 I miss the after-credits scene! Thanks for pointing it out!
