Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist

Maniac: Season 1

1x03 Having a Day

I'm still not sure about the story, but I adore the aesthetic. It's a real throwback to the early '80s. Even the end credits have a telecine wobble, what a nice attention to little details.

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@lefthandedguitarist in case you haven't already, you should check Legion. I'm getting very similar vibes from both shows.

@misnomer I saw the first season of Legion but wasn't a big fan.


Reply by kinky

@lefthandedguitarist I understand, it's definitely not for everyone. The first half of the second season is the best part of the show, so far (which even made me bump my rating up to 8), but the last half is boring as fudge (which made me get it back down to 7). But I feel that what Maniac does with the '80s, Legion does it with the' 70s. The facility where they're in also reminds me of Legion. I guess I find the whole aesthetics similar.
