Shout by Sandra Crespo Sanchez

The Kissing Booth 2018

I really hated this movie, the characters were poorly constructed, especially the male characters. All of them manipulate Elle throughout the whole movie, telling her what to do and pushing her around when it suit them.
The worst part for me though was how lightly they treated Noah’s violent side. Lee wondering if he had hit Elle was incredibly painful to watch, and when he slams the car to make her come inside she really does seem frightened. He is a violent character that doesn’t change at all, just says a few nice words at the end to “make up for everything”. Lee gets some sort of redemption by helping Elle, but Noah doesn’t, and I don’t think that’s the message we want kids to get from movies like this one, that your boyfriend loves you because he gets into fights “for you” or that he manipulating you and other people around you is something sweet and a proof of how much he cares about you. That’s wrong, and this movie take on that is completely horrible and misleading.

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@sandrac13 I really hated how they tried to make the "He gets into a fight for me" thing seem romantic and caring. Truth is, when a person is violent with others, they will eventually turn their violence to the ones they love, if they do not get it checked.
