Review by Mad Matty

Love, Simon 2018

I've watched a couple of sexuality themed films now, but this is by far the best. Many of the others are often so dramatic that they may frighten people to come out the closet. This is the first film I've ever seen that demonstrates my point of view: Nobody has to make any announcement. Straight people don't announce their sexuality, and so gay or bi people should not feel obliged either. And yet, it still doesn't encourage anyone to hide who they are, because nobody should have to feel that way either!
It was a nicely balanced look at a young lad coming to terms with his sexuality, and dealing with the relationships with his friends and family.

I love the mystery in working out who 'Blue' was in the emails. We know it's one of his school mates, but as the audience, we're constantly trying to work out who it is, while convincing ourselves "there's bound to be a twist.... or is there?" And we begin to wonder if we will ever find out who this mysterious person is.... But I'm not gonna spoil it. Watch it, and find out for yourself!

The most important aspect of this film is that throughout all of it, it's very light-hearted. Even though it does take you on an emotional journey, it's never afraid to put plenty of comedy in there. Even in the most heartbreaking scene, you got a good gag.... And that's brilliant, because that represents life... Those who think miserable dramas that show constant doom and gloom are representative of real life are very negative people. It's refreshing to see a gay-themed film that doesn't make you depressed!

The great thing about this film is that you care deeply about all the characters. The casting was excellent, because the acting was believable throughout, and gave depth to even some of the smallest parts. Very well written. The camera work was also fantastic too, because it didn't go overboard with any artsy-farsey shots or constantly had objects pointing in the middle of the screen just so they could use that annoying focus pull that every modern camera operator seems to use these days. The film did what it was supposed to do: Tell a good story. And quite frankly, it is one of the best films I've seen this year.

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