Review by Jitse Lemmens

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

I'm not a Star Wars-fan, on the contrary, but I attempt to view all these films for the sense of nostalgia I had from seeing the first couple as a kid. Those movies were adventurous and thrilling, it was fantasy in space: knights, lords, robbers, the clergy and an odd brigand or two. These films were what they were and nothing more and it was good... Till the point they weren't and became bloated and pompous, much like the ego of George Lucas - who, in my humble opinion, isn't the genius they portray him or he pretends to be. The prequels were a huddled mess and made me dislike this franchise the way I dislike Apple... It just didn't deserve the status it was given and yet I still wanted to like it (unlike Apple). The new movies being pretty much rehashes of the first trilogy were fine but it still didn't really get there, Rogue One was ok but nothing much...

And Solo, despite going in with the though of "yet another Staar Waars"-movie, made me feel again like seeing those first movies on that old TV at home. It made me feel like I watched the Goonies, or the BMX-Club or any of the other (incl Star Wars) adventure movie from the 80ties. The characters were great, the action was good, it was exciting, funny, there were good guys and bad guys and not-so good guys... It had all the marks I didn't expect this movie to have.

Not far into seeing this I wished I was watching this with my children who, I'm sure, would enjoy this movie very much. The only thing bringing it down a bit, for them, is the length as 2h is pushing it. Despite wishing they'd turn into Trekkies/Trekkers I'm sure I'll show them this movie soon enough and have them experience the adventure it is.

Assorted musings:
- Alden Ehrehreich is uncanny as Han Solo, at times the voice is on par with Harrisson Ford's
- L3 was a blast, tongue-in-cheek and avoided the pitfalls of this movie being to SJW like Rogue One
- Glover was great too, almost pulling a tear when L3 "died" even though he didn't really give a shit afterwards

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