[7.5/10] This felt like an early episode of the show, where The Gang is split up into different adventures that end up folding onto one another by the end of the episode. And I really liked each of them! The theme of everyone in The Gang defining themselves by their vehicles really worked, and led to lots of funny moments.

I think my favorite of them has to be Mac and Charlie getting their old bikes. There’s definitely a childlike innocence to the two of them despite their raunchtastic ways, and seeing them experience the joy of riding bikes again, lamenting their old bully, was oddly sweet. Their interactions with today’s bullies and yesterday’s bullies had amusing banter, and the Godfather-esque beatdown of the kids is a nice amusing subversion of the “making peace with your childhood bullying tropes.”

Dennis’s story was very amusing as well. The idea that he reverts to being an “economy” guy without his range rover led to a lot of nice material for Glenn Howerton. The way that he lost his mojo and turns into a fantasy baseball playing, coors-drinking, economical dude is a nice twist on the usual sociopathic alpha version of Dennis. And the way he instantly reverted back to that once he found his new friend’s (nicely set up) range rover, and how everything in his life felt okay again once he had a range rover back, was outstanding.

The one story I didn’t really care for was Frank’s. There’s some inherent amusement at a 60 year old man being in a driver’s ed class with teenagers, and his bit at least set up a nice gag at the end of the episode about the “PC rules of the road.” But it’s one one of those “raunch for the sake of raunch” storylines.

That said, I loved how it tied into Dee’s storyline. Her rising above her station due to her new range rover, and then going insane over the smallest slight is classic Dee. The way that her overblown attempts to get back at her “frenemy” intersect with Frank leading his driver’s ed buddy around were fantastically bonkers in a characteristically IASIP.

Closing out the episode with everyone bopping along in Dennis’s range rover -- “Never Gonna Give You Up” blasting and balance restored -- was a superb way to go out.

Overall, another very funny and well-written episode of what’s shaping up to be one of IASIP’s best seasons.

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