Season 5. Just wow! Very promising premiere. I quite enjoyed the episode. I don't know if it was because I've missed the show so damn much, but something in this episode reminded me of seasons 1 and 2, and that's always a good thing.

Nora is way too cute. She's like the nicest, cutest thing ever. The way she hugged Barry warmed my heart in so many ways. At the end of the episode, when she turned to Iris with the puppy eyes to see if she agreed to go for an ice cream was priceless! Her acting was so childlike that it was beautiful. Really showing how bad she wants to spend time with her dad.

After watching her acting for a couple of minutes and seeing her screwing things up I can safely say "yes, she's definitely Barry's daughter". In fact, she's got Barry's awkwardness and Iris' thoughtfulness. There's one thing that I don't get though. Where's that bad blood from Nora to Iris coming from? I can't imagine Iris not being a loving mother to her child, specially if Barry is gone. I hope they explain it better in next episodes because that part in completely unbelievable to me. My other complain with the whole Nora situation is that it was way too obvious since the beginning that she had never met her dad. I mean, Nora is basically Barry if he were a girl.

The callbacks to season 1 were great, especially Barry teaching Nora hoe to face the way Wellsobard taught him. I love when they acknowledge Eobard as Barry's mentor and show that fatherly role he played. I really loved seeing Barry chanelling Eobard while being a father figure.

That scene and the one in which Barry was talking about missing all Nora's Firsts were so powerful. I ended to rewatch that scene again because it was so real and well-acted. I loved how Barry was worried about being robbed of Nora's firsts, only to be the one who witnessed one of her biggest firsts. Simply lovely!

Seriously, the Flash family warms my heart. Papa Joe, although he wasn't present in almost the whole episode he was the absolute best. I'm sad they found out his lounge room.

Caitlin: "Breacher? Gipsy? Harry? What do you think we meant when we said Harry was from Earth-2?"
Ralph: "That he was from Earth also"

Ralph Dibny, please, never change.

I love how Ralph questioned what everyone did after the season 1 finale: "I mean, if Eddie wanted to erase Thawne from existence, why didn't he just have a vasectomy?" Being bold and asking the important questions here.

Ralph explaining the manyverse goes under the file 'favourite scenes ever'. Poor guy, he looked so happy when he discovered the concept only to have his hopes blown up a couple of seconds later.

I also loved the little callback to season 1 when Ralph mentioned that if Barry had saved him from the Thinker, he could've died during the particle accelerator explosion. It was lovely if you realized that Wellsobard mentioned his name as someone who died during the explosion back in season 1.

The Cicada guy at the end looked cool. I actually got Prometheus vibes when he killed all those cops.

Now, about the suit. It looks so weird without the chinstrap. In fact, it looks as if Barry were CGI instead of a real person. But I'm not gonna bitch about it because it looks badass. I do love how red it is, though. And don't get me started on the Flash ring. I swear I've been waiting for Barry to have it since season 1. It's only taken them 4 years. Btw, the CGI scene with the ring looked amazing.

I'm really interested in Caitlin's storyline. I really want Killer Frost back. And I love to see Caitlin, Cisco and Ralph working together. They have great dynamic.

Also, "Don't drink and vibe". That needs to be in a t-shirt asap.

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