Review by j_pereira8

Davos runs off from the dojo after Danny says they need to finish the process for Colleen to get the Iron Fist otherwise they will both die. Misty works to get herself out of the room Walker locked her in. Joy is taken in an ambulance to the hospital with Ward. Davos goes back to the warehouse and Walker tries to shoot and kill him. Danny and Colleen show up in time. Misty makes it out. Everyone's fighting, Danny manages to get Mary out of Walker, and Colleen finishes the ritual and gets the Iron Fist. Danny has one last talk with Davos before he goes into custody. Danny goes back to the dojo to clean up and finds something surprising. Colleen goes back to the community centre and talks to Mrs. Yang about keeping the peace. Ward goes to a NA meeting and indirectly apologizes to Bethany. Walker goes to see Joy and tells her there might be a third personality she doesn't even know about. Back at the dojo, Danny had left a note for Colleen explaining he's going to search for answers behind the Iron Fist legacy. At the airport, Danny encourages Ward to travel with him to Asia. Months later, Colleen is still a badass with her glowing fist AND sword!! In Japan, Ward is helping to find the man who sold the coffin with the dead man in the mask. Danny then reveals he has two golden fists and can wield two guns at the same time. What!?!? That's the end!
Surprisingly, a good season overall. I'm glad they decided to go with 10 episodes for this story because it seems that with 13 it might've dragged on too long. A good balance of fight scenes and storytelling make for a compelling season.

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