The first episode of Bleach, like many other anime series that came before it, focuses on explaining who the main character is, what his motivations are and what distinguishes him from everyone else. Ichigo Kurosaki is a kind hearted, but fearless, high school student who appears to have a very special talent: he can see and is even able to communicate with ghosts. This is all established from the start, where we find him "educating" some goons on decency and respect after they knocked over a jar with flowers that had been placed on the ground as an offering to the soul of a young girl who had died there. In terms of his personality, Ichigo can be quite reserved and generally keeps to himself, as he doesn't seem to be very open about his thoughts and feelings, even with his own family. That being said, depending on the situation, he can also come across as being tremendously outspoken and energetic. His father runs a clinic and is family is presented as being comically dysfunctional, in large part due to the children's sensitivity towards the lingering spirits of the dead, a gift that they may have inherited solely from their mother's side. Ichigo's everyday life ends up being permanently affected by the arrival of the Shinigami, or Death God, Rukia Kuchiki in Karakura Town, which narrows the gap between their two worlds and brings a sense of purpose to Ichigo's existence. We learn that Rukia works for the Soul Society and is on the hunt for Hollows, who are described as evil spirits that feed on the souls of both the living and the dead. Initially, we are led to believe that they are hunting for the souls of spirits who haven't departed from the world of the living yet, which is why they are drawn to Ichigo's family clinic. However, we soon find out that it's Ichigo's own untapped potential and strength that make his extremely powerful soul such a coveted prize. As the inevitable fight ensues, Rukia is critically injured and Ichigo decides to sacrifice himself in order to become a Shinigami, so that he can defeat the remaining Hollow and save both of his sisters' lives, One of the great things about this episode is that there is virtually no filler of any kind. We are presented with a charismatic and interesting main character, along with a group of supporting characters that are not only relevant to the narrative, but also help move the story forward. Even when we are given some form of exposition, it's craftily delivered with humour. It's definitely an entertaining watch and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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