Although the speech at the end was strong the rest of the episode was weak. We've come to know a better Madam Secretary than this..Also didn't feel the need to put the old secretaries on camera, it felt like more politics and phony...but im not american so perhaps im wrong

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@mogwaylaven I am American and you're correct. One of the things I've loved about Madam Secretary is that it was about Washington DC but managed to be political without grandstanding. I get enough of "real politics" on the news, in social media, in everyday life. I watch to escape from all that. I don't want to be assaulted with more views, whether I agree with them or not. I appreciated this show's ability to avoid sinking to that. I hope this was a mere aberration and not a sign of things to come.

@mogwaylaven I also think that scene with the former Secretaries felt forced and I also felt it went against something that was fundamental to the show where it didn't really acknowledge any recent Presidencies, at least not that I can recall. I felt that move allowed the show to remain entertainment with a nugget to chew on but without force feeding a position to the viewer.

@mogwaylaven Have you watched further ahead? Episode 3 was so moving. I am convinced this episode was an exception to the rule.

@daybreak1012 yes i have glad the show is back to it's "normal"self again
