Great episode once again! Besides te whole 'aliens are bad, people are good' stuff, which has been with us since the fish season, the whole episode was quite good. Those hate crimes they were commenting on the show need to be talked about, but to me, it's getting a little bit repetitive. It's as if they just picked up one topic only to drop it at the next minute but keep on talking about it.

The whole Kara trying to use her powers without actually showing that she's Supergirl was actually quite good and pretty funny. Lena's gotta be suspicious now. So Kara leaves the room and 5 seconds later Supergirl appears. Coincidence? I think not!

Silly me for thinking that this would finally be the episode when Lena found out Kara is actually Supergirl. They're seriously dragging it way too much. Now I'm not buying the whole Lena already knew. If she knows she wouldn't be all buddy buddy with Kara. But writers, please, just let her know. It's seriously dragging Lena. She's one of the most intelligent people in the world, yet she's still clueless about her identity.

I love Nia. I seriously love her talks. So passionate and warming. I love that she waited until it was necessary to mention that she's transgender. That's actually how people talk and I'm glad the writers went that route.
Also, something tells me that Nia went to that pizzeria for a reason and not just to get an expresso. Who goes to an Italian pizza place to get a coffee when there are dozens of coffee places near your office? Her scene with Brainy was totally worth it, though.

I'm disappointed. If I'm not mistaken, Brainy ordered 12 pizzas, but he left with just 5?!?! Come on! I'm disappointed.

His relationship with Alex is starting to warm my heart. It's great to see both if the bonding. I'm really happy to see them growing up.

I wonder what Russian Kara is up about. I thought they might talk about it a little, but nothing. Guess we'll have to wait to see what happens.

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I'm disappointed. If I'm not mistaken, Brainy ordered 12 pizzas, but he left with just 5?!?! Come on! I'm disappointed.

Headcanon: They let him leave with the pizzas they had already made at that point, so they wouldn't go to waste. But said no to making the rest.

I, for one, will never be eating there again. One star on Yelp.

@vero-winchester Hi, Vero! Long time no see (more like, long time don't write, but you get my drift [my apologies for that]). First of all, great analysis of this week’s Supergirl episode, like always. I enjoy readings your point of view on the shows we both coincide to watch, which always leads to a good read.

I’ve come to you today to ask if you had the chance to watch the new Series from DC Universe, called “Titans”. Since we both have similar tastes in many shows that we both enjoy, I would like to take the opportunity to point you out to that one. It’s very dark, mature and well casted. The show has only two episodes so far, with the third installment coming next Friday. I highly recommend it and I’m sure you’ll gonna love it as much as I have, up to this point. Would very much like to read your reviews on the development of this new series. So whenever you get the chance, give it a shot, you won’t be disappointed; I’m sure am not (actually excited about it).

Bye for now, take care, and we’ll see you on the next one. :)

@maeron I'm guessing that is the answer. But if I order my pizzas, I go out of the restaurant with my pizzas. Pizzas are nothing to mess with. But yeah, no starts for them.

@matalagata Hey, mate! Great to read you again. Once again, I promise to keep it short. First of all, thank you for your kind words. You are a lovely pal! My reviews are always pute stream of consciousness but if you like them, I'm glad.
About the "Titans" thing, I didn't even have the time to consider watching it. I've read online that it's actually pretty decent and I was indeed considering watching it whenever I can find some free time. I watch a lot of TV shows at the moment and I tend to prioritize, but I was really considering starting it, so if you say it's good I'll probably give it a try. I don't promise anything because taking on anther show takes commitment but I think I'll try the first two episodes (or three, let's see how it goes) this weekend and I'll let you know in my reviews. Either way, thanks for recommending it to me. I really appreciate it!
I'm so glad we got a chance to speak/write again. I do appreciate these weird and sort of small talks that we have. I'm really looking forward to sharing viewpoints with you again. Have a good one and write you next time!

@vero-winchester Hello again, Vero. Thank you for replying to my message so promptly. Your replies are simply, the best; they always make me feel good about myself when I’m done reading them. You have a very candid way of expressing yourself that always brings joy to your readers. Keep it up, you’re doing a great job!
About my little suggestion, I completely understand if your plate is full right now with all the good shows that are coming back or premiering this fall. Actually for me, fall is when all the best shows come out to make an appearance; because summers are awful, filled with a bunch of reruns, special shows and a lack of good entertainment, TV wise. There’s a lot of good choices to choose from right now. I mean, the Boys are back in town! And with Bobby back on the scene, it’s going to be another great season, for sure. Not to mention, all the DC lineup from the CW and the premiere of Legacies (which I’m hoping is going to be as good as its predecessors) and so on and so on.

Anyways, glad to hear from you again (trying to keep in it short here, hehehe), you know how we do! Glad to have my pen pal back. Hope we can continue sharing our views on the shows that we love. See you soon and happy TV watching. Until the next time, cheers.

@matalagata You are seriously making me blush! I really appreciate your kind words, as I always do and I love writing so yeah, I saw your comment and I immediately replied, as I normally do. If you really feel that good after reading my comments I will keep posting them as long as they make someone happy and smile because that really puts a smile on my face. Cheesiness aside (lol) I completely agree with you when you say that summer is boring and full of reruns. It's a bot stressful to keep the pace of every show but I really appreciate what they have in store for us. I got to a point where I can't imagine my life without certain TV shows (I guess you already know which ones) and I'm so damn glad to have my boys back, even though that means sleep depravation and being hurt in every step of the way, but that's something I do with a smile. So yeah, I'll try to have a look at "Titans" and let you know. My plate is quite full this weekend but I'll try to watch it asap.

So this is what they call being modern pen pals now, huh? In all honesty, I really appreciate your kind words. I read your comment yesterday and I immediately thought, there's my mate! I was so happy to speak with you (can we still call it speak, though?), even though it has to be through messages in comments, but I enjoy every step of the way. So yeah, read you soon and until next time, in another comment section, mate! Cheers!
