Shout by Simon

Lost: Season 3

3x18 D.O.C.

What a cracking episode!

Sun's backstory fills in a little more. We already know she had a relationship with the guy who comitted suicide/was killed in the hotel plunge, but, this was the first suggestion she might have been pregnant by him. It really does seem like her family, particularly and specifically her father, are to blame for most of what went wrong in their lives. I hope Sun and baby survive.

Parachute lady; how many languages did they think she was speaking? I don't know them to confirm but we had English, Spanish, Italian... A day to recover from a punctured lung, wow! I did comment a while back that I'd bet the Russian wasn't dead; that fence is either a dramatic stunning force or you really can come back to life on the island!

The closing scene - off the chain!!! They've found a crashed plane, no survivors - eh???

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@danio1972 The missing sentence you're looking for from the parachute lady is "Eu não estou só" or in english "I'm not alone". Clearly the russian guy understood it since it looks like he knows alot of languages.
