The episode turned out better than expected tbh, but all in all there's still so much wasted potential.
I can't believe they just killed the Antichrist by traveling back in time and running him over with a car. It's just so cheap.
I also don't really understand how the two kids with extraordinary genes from the first episodes managed to birth the next Antichrist and what even made them special in the first place (I saw theories they might be the alien children from Asylum but I doubt the writers even thought that far), what the point of Coco's power was, why Mallory was the most important character but was so bland and had no real development or why we even had a whole Murder House sequel episode when it's all undone again now anyway. Just to throw some unsatisfying things out there. Though the most unsatisfying thing has to be the Antichrist - How can anyone take him seriously after we know he's basically just a 6 year old who feels abandoned by mommy and daddy?

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@haibara What wouldn't feel cheap, to kill a antichrist in his not yet developed/discovered form? No idea about cocos power, but you can't have everything matter, otherwise nothing will ever get you by surprise.

@razze I honestly didn't expect to be completely surprised, but introducing time travel at the end of the show is usually a desperate choice because writers don't know how else to kill the villain. And just driving him over with a car and then not even making sure he's really dead feels so unsatisfying.
Mallory was supposed to be really powerful, so at least killing him with her own powers (e.g. using them to increase his age instead of decreasing like she did with the deer) would have been more satisfying. It was weirdly anti-climatic to me. This whole part just sits wrong with me, though I did like how he was in Constance's arm and it was kind of heart-breaking how she told him to go to hell.

@haibara Well increasing his age might have the effect of him getting all his powers :P
