Shout by Redouane

Sick of It 2018

Although I do love Karl Pilkington and his neurotic personality, I can't help but feel that this format is really unsuitable for him. The reason why most people fall in love with Karl is his unpolished, unflitered, unscripted ramblings, Sick of It is none of these things, it is a scripted, filtered, and polished sitcom about a man and his imaginary friend.

I do respect that Karl is trying to distance himself from his days on The Ricky Gervais Show and An Idiot Abroad but Ricky and Steve were always there to keep him grounded and tethered to reality, or to push him to his limit. In Sick of It, Karl is very comfortable, his language is polished, he acts and sounds like someone trying to imitate Karl even though he is playing the role and the character is based on his own life.

That is not to say the show isn't funny, it is, but just not as funny as the real thing.

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