• Woah, I didn't expect that singing voice from Oliver! It sounded really nice and seeing Connor's smile was heart-warming :')
  • The theory that Gabriel is Sam's kid has been thought of since his first appearance, so it didn't surprise me at all, but I'm glad the secret is out now. I just hope Sam's first ex wife wasn't called Vivian Maddox and it was instead another woman he cheated with because it would be just stupid writing that Annalise never remembered the last name of his first wife he cheated on with her. And I hope Gabriel isn't just here for revenge because that would be fairly boring and predictable.
  • I don't even find any words for Bonnie. A part of me is angry she killed Miller because I think it was unnecessary and I still believe Miller is innocent. Another part of me can't believe how much her character has to suffer. I don't even know how she gets out of bed every day.
  • Nate really beat up Miller the same way his dad beat up the other inmate. I'm not sure if this is a nice parallel or just bothersome because they tried so hard to show how black people have to deal with so much prejudice and how many people automatically assume they're more violent.
  • I don't think the video call with Oliver's dad was mentioned again? His dad called during the wedding with a video call and Oliver disappeared to take it. Maybe they somehow filmed something relevant to the murder.
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