Review by tailofleaves

The Lego Movie 2014

I've been waiting to see this movie for a while now, and I got to say that it didn't disappoint. I thought that Phil and Chris did an amazing job with the script. Their last two movies, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and 21 Jump Street turned out to be surprisingly great movies and this movie does not ruin their perfect track record. There were plenty of funny and clever lines. I guess a lot of the humor could be what people may call "dumb" humor, but I think this movie does dumb humor in a smart way if that makes any sense. Plus, this type of humor fits in well with an animated children's movie. Though, despite being a "kids movie" this movie can definitely appeal to everyone. Story wise, I thought the pacing was great. I can't really think of a dull moment in this film. Without giving away any spoilers, this movie also had a really touching moment towards the end that, in my opinion, brought this goofy kids movie to a whole new level. Think something along the lines of How to Train Your Dragon or Wreck-it-Ralph. This movie definitely ranks up there with those two as some of my favorite animated movies. Visually, I thought the movie looked amazing. The sets were all detailed, colorful and looked even better in motion. Their use of a blend of stop motion and CGI animation gave this movie a very distinct and visually appealing look. This is the way a Lego movie should look. TL;DR "everything is awesooooooome!" :)

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Reply by Deleted

Nice review. But I must point out that there was no stop motion used. 100% CGI rendered with Physically Plausible proprietary renderer
