Hot take, and I warn you, you're not going to like it.

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is the film I wanted True Grit to be.

There, I said it. Unfollow me if you must!

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@saint-pauly Coincidentally I saw True Grit last night, this one just now. Whatever the sequence of which should have been which, I despise this one very much because it's a non-film. It feels like several failed/cancelled tv show pilots put together for no reason at all than to top the 120 minute mark.

@ner0p I did warn you, you wouldn't like my take! ;-)

For what it's worth, I have the feeling most everyone agrees with you. Personally, however, my favourite aspect of the Coen brother's style is the quirkiness, of which True Grit had none and Buster Scruggs had in spades. But there are many people with a more technical approach to film appreciation who can't stop telling me how wrong I am!

@saint-pauly That's fair. I commented just because of you mentioning True Grit and I happened to watch it last night. Everyone has different tastes, and I respect yours, obviously. I did not meant that you are wrong though. I liked the stories themselves, but I was expecting something else overall. I can't really say what exactly though, but not short individual stories with no clear purpose. It was still enjoyable to some degree.

@ner0p No worries! I took your comment in the sense it was intended. :-) Many people are saying Buster Scruggs would've made a better miniseries than a film, but as I watched it at home (I usually see films in the cinema), over a week (an episode at a time), it felt like a miniseries to me anyway! Thanks for sharing your point of view, mate!
