I somehow miss the cheer and blissful past Doctor Who usually portraits.
It seems the in my opiinion way too many historical episodes are all dark and grimm. Where is the brilliant characters?
King James was just portraied as a fanatic idiot... Even Victoria who banned the Doctor from the Realm was portraied in a better Light than him. (And I really don't like Victoria)

Do we really need a reminder on why religion is evil? Yes, the greatest atrocities in history were commited in the name of gods.
And it'd be nice if dunking had been the worst, the church had invented in the name of it.

And the comment about being patronized was a bit uncalled for.
Yes, it happened and yes it still does. But one might think you'd know you'll get patronized in most past times when being a woman.

But who gives a fuck when you can get drowned to "see if you are a which" at any given time? Seriously who?

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