Man, Manchester Black is just so much fun to watch. And finally, a twist that I didn't see coming! I was expecting him to do everything he could to avenge Fiona, but not to actually send Supergirl to her death.

Tonight's MVP goes to David Harewood. That scene at the end was hard to watch. Amazing acting from a terrific actor.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm loving James' involvement in the plot. I love that they're making him go inside the plot rather than just having him there. Yeah, it's stupid that he got himself involved with the Children of Liberty, but that storyline is shaping up to be great. That Tom guy (I think it's Tom) can't be trusted. Something is off about him. Also, I'm guessing it's that way, but Ben Lockwood is clearly going to be killed by Manchester Black, although Supergirl will come to save his life. Oh, the irony!

The whole subplot with Lena and Adam was weird. She reminds me so much of Lex. I'm sorry for poor Adam. He didn't deserve that and I'm sure that can be accounted as murder, even if he gave his consent. For what I know, if there's a 13% risk of death, humans can't be experimented with. But either way, I hope this whole situation just makes Lena rethink what she's doing.

Also, is it just me or does Supergirl seem a secondary character in her own show? Manchester Black and even James got to shine even more that she did. And not only in this episode, but in the whole season in general. Also, I want to see more if Brainy and Nia.

I was glad to see that Supergirl handled everything without any help from the DEO. Wasn't the DEO actually tracking her? Anyway, I hope next episodes are even better. I'm digging the whole Agent of Liberty stuff and the actor playing him is great. Can't wait for next week's!

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