I think it goes against the premise of the show when they can just go thru their rations and get more from the producers.

They hardly ever get their own food now, just wait for rewards, and the losers gobble up the rice and then they don't have enough. If you are hungry, QUIT! Or find food, there is plenty on that island!

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@yy1 There's a lot more to it than that. Beginning with the Ghost island season they've been giving survivors less rice with the intent of forcing a negotiation scene like we saw this episode. This wasn't greed, but a situation the producers wanted to have happen. Jeff Probst commented online that his original plan had been to take the tribe's shelter, but felt this group had been through so much already and ultimately settled on someone's immunity. Angelina also commented online that they were willing to trade the fishing gear because they've yet to catch any fish despite trying. Who knows if something external has made fishing difficult or if they're just lazy.

@redshirt Thanks for the info!

Perhaps the storms had something to do with the poor fishing, I guess I just remember Ozzie always gathering a lot of food on the island and now they seem a lot more like pets waiting for their treats or their rations.

The producers must know what they are doing after 37 seasons!
