Wow, great show. It really tore me up at the end.

I kept wanting Finch to let Root help. Then I was hoping TM would break her out somehow. I really like the part where Root tells Finch that TM does not talk to him because it's respecting his wishes (the relationship he wants to have). TM is using him the way Finch is "programmed" to be used. TM has become more flexible than Finch.

It was always obvious that Reese had great respect for Carter but these romantic feelings seem pushed on us to quickly. They were just trying to up the emotional damage to were going to do. Besides we all know he likes Zoe.

Fusco come through again. He was not trained like Reese or Shaw to take torture, hell he wasn't even trained as much Carter. He sat there and took it and did not break until they were about to kill his kid. Then the tough, tubby guy broke his own thumb and choked the bitch out. I did wonder at the end why we didn't see splints on his fingers when he was in the car with Shaw.

Other than killing that dirty cop off screen Shaw didn't do much but she did have a few nice chats with Fusco.

I had not seen any promos for this episode and did not know someone was going to die. It all makes sense now though. Why Carter has had so much screen time. How they brought the father into play for the kid. The sudden romantic feelings. It all came crashing in on me when she told Finch she knew about TM. I knew Capt. Dick was still out there and just thought "They're going to kill her". It was still a rough watch. They killed the black person, again.

The ringing phone. It was annoying but I thought it was annoying in the right way. Reese was shot. Carter was dying. Finch was trying to cross the street and the phone kept ringing. The numbers keep coming. That's what I thought for the first few seconds. Then I wondered if TM had done it to save Finch "daddy" or if it was calling with Carter's number.

Finally, as the street gangs were chasing our friends, on the subway and through the streets, the phrase "Warriors, come out and play" kept running through my head.

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@anthoney65 this was a pretty good episode. it was obvious a few ep ago that Carter's number was up. writers can never be clever enough to conceal that. yes, a key Black character bites the dust. surprise surprise. I liked Fusco showing his true mettle. I did not buy the "romantic" moment between Reese and Carter. I actually don't think it was supposed to come off as "romantic". what's a little peck on the lips between two who are closer than friends. enjoyed your review.
