The worst finale ever of the worst season ever. Doctor Who turned into a monster of a week mess, starring one woman dressed in a Forever 21 cardigan and three random strangers with zero personalities.

Remember Rose in Doomsday? Remember how Martha saved the Doctor? Remember Donna in Turn Left? Remember The Angels Take Manhattan? Face the Raven? Hell, even Bill becoming a cyberman. Remember all those emotions Doctor Who made us feel? Well, me too. This season there was nothing. Total vacuum. They can all just die for all I care.

I don't mind if the Doctor is a man, woman or a freaking honey badger. Just keep the writing good. Keep it smart. Not this sh*tfest.

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@laststardust agree with most of what youre saying, but i think your attack on the companions not having personalities only applies to yaz really. graham and ryan have actually had a really good run with their personalities being developed and actually having a good dynamic that grows each episode. those two have been one of the highlights of the season to be honest, esp graham
