But after what the observer said, shouldn't he know that this Olivia is his Olivia? I don't get why he changed his mind. I guess he does need more assurance after all, but to me, it looked like he became afraid of losing her again, so he chose to chase imaginary Olivia rather than deal with This Olivia, telling himself he was doing this to be "faithful" to His Olivia.

September was the best of all the observers. I don't remember if we see him again after this. We really needed 2 more seasons to flesh out the Henry storyline and how the future of the Observers really happens. We could have used more episodes from Septembers pov, like 4x10, "Forced Perspective."

I'm not sure which character I identify with the most; I mean I can relate to both Peter and Olivia, and even Walter a little. I had a guy tell me once I reminded him of Olivia, but he may have just said that to get me to like him more, knowing I'd like the comparison.

-Fauxlivia - Olivia from earth 2.
-Our Olivia -- Olivia from earth 1
-AmnesiaOlivia - Olivia from Earth 1 but from timeline 2 where Peter was erased
-NostOlivia - (NotalgiaOlivia) Olivia from Earth 1 but from Timeline where Peter wasn't erased
CortexiphOlivia - Remembers both timelines & is in control of all her abilities
-Imaginary Olivia or His Olivia- the Olivia from Peter's timeline and Peter's memories, supposedly lives in another universe and timeline/doesn't EXIST
-Amberlivia -- Fauxlivia impersonating Our Olivia

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