Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2019-01-09T05:35:41Z— updated 2022-06-01T02:26:08Z

This show need to stop trying so hard. I don't know how it gets so many things wrong so often. This kid talking about his podcast like it matters is just off.

Finally having a group meeting is one of the smartest things they've done. I really don't think they needed a traitor element in the first place but we'll see.

Also in pro news the kids are apparently transferring houses. Between mom and dad. Which does respect his fatherhood status even if it might mean complications for the kids.

Honestly this episode is much smarter than the last episode. Even with the cheesy podcast stuff.

Like this "Holy Grail" thing where everyone is like "yeaaahhh right". As if no one has ever used the "holy grail" to mean something important before.

and then just like that an episode that started off rocky, was going smoothly then nosedives ruining a 6/10 episode to 3-4/10 territory. Lady Cop blames an amnesiac for beating his wife when the guy can't even remember his name. As if that makes any sense. At the family house young Olive invites her new-Daddy home to eat dinner to cheer up her mom because children understand complex adult dynamics either 100% or 0% depending on the episode and when real daddy summoned by his son via text shows up real-Daddy and new-Daddy get into a fight over the dumbest thing ever. You're ADULTS. act like it. Even if you wanted to yell who gets into a fist fight? No wonder Jordan Peterson thinks he's a genius he's learning everything about manhood not from historical cultural myth but television. But just everything about that scene is stupid.

"It doesn't look like a happy reunion" - what? You literally just walked into the house mr "Who is this man and why is he in my house that I'm exiled from"

"You are the whole reason this family is messed up" - WHAT??!? The dude disappeared in an airplane. He didn't mess up his family. Someone else messed up his family. He's literally innocent in all of this.

Olive sucks. Olive sucks worst than her mother and her mother SUUUUUCKS. Everyone on this show sucks to a little degree. But good grief.

And we have the second episode with a couple cheating to get back together (You 1x07-08)

This episode like so many of this series had the potential to be solid. Ending it by having white guy do the podcast is silly. Except plot twist.. good plot twist it's an insurance policy something the podcast host is too dumb to understand. Then finally having other people's callings show up is brilliant. Everything about this ending is compelling enough to make me want to see what happens next. If only the middle didn't just suck donkey balls so frequently.

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Reply by kinky

@wolfkin damn! After reading your comment I feel as if I didn't truly watch the episode. You're right, this show is getting borderline dumb. Once they hit this downward spiral, shows rarely come back of it, so I doubt it will ever improve, but let's see if some miracle can turn this around.

@misnomer it's just so bloody borderline. Constantly doing interesting things with the mythos and then terrible things with the people that just delay the interesting things from happening. Honestly half the plots in this show are based on "five years past and in spite of that I wanted to pretend for you that everything was the same", but I'd like to think that if I woke up five years later I would understand that things would be different. Rather than having them constantly surprise me.


Reply by kinky

@wolfkin I smell cancellation, already. Otherwise, this will probably become another Wayward Pines or Helix, with an enjoyable first season and a dreadful second one (though, truth be told, Wayward Pines was already nose diving by half of the first season). I guess they're having a hard time speculating on how people would react to suddenly appearing 5 years in the future, because they don't exactly have a solid background on that. I'm not defending the show, I think they're starting to make a piss poor job at it.

@misnomer honestly it's the sort of show a kids shouldn't be in because people suck at writing kids. Not that they're great at writing adult. This show will follow in the footsteps of many of the other event ensemble shows from mediocrity to nothingness. (Flashforward 2009, The Event 2010 and likely more)


Reply by kinky

@wolfkin dude, I genuinely miss FlashForward, I even bought the book out of frustration after watching the first (and only) season, unsuccessfully looking for closure where there was none. I still think that's a better show than this. But far from a masterpiece, obviously.

@misnomer to put it simply. I agree. And I had big big issues with FF.


Reply by kinky

@wolfkin I've noticed you have a few issues with a few shows, eheh! ;) But, in all honesty, we're here talking about two average shows, so I guess there will always be issues about them.
