Review by ta-ru248

Every Day 2018

As someone who read the original book first, I wasn't sure what to expect from this film. I think they actually based it on the sequel more than the original (the original is the story told from A's perspective and the sequel is from Ri's perspective). I'm a bit disappointed we didn't get to see more from A's perspective but I guess they needed an anchor and that was Ri.

I'm glad to see there are so many positive reviews on it though, and possibly from people who didn't read the book first. I thought people would just be super confused by this story, but I'm glad it translated to film well. If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it. It is a very interesting read and makes you think about love and being open to loving all types of people. (I haven't gotten to the sequel yet though.) I wish the movie had focused on that a bit more and portrayed Ri's struggle a bit more. I honestly didn't picture Ri as a popular, attractive girl from the way the book painted her, so I feel like they changed a lot there too.

I'm still on the fence on whether I really liked the movie or not, but I do still love the book!

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