[5.8/10] Good lord, Kaz is just a complete idiot. How he continually manages to get hoodwinked and make bad decisions in any situation he comes across is beyond me. Is this supposed to be relatable? Are we supposed to empathize with Kaz missing blindly obvious clues that he’s being taken for a ride or that things are going to go pear-shaped.

At least he does something decent for once, fixing the Fireball for Tam rather than just riding it hard and putting it back wet as usual. It’s pleasant to see him be that considerate. And him pitching in for Flix and Orka so that Flix can see his mom is nice too (even if it’s to pay off the debt). But then things just completely spin out when an obvious thief and troublemaker tries to get him out of the shop so he can steal an expensive tool, and what do you know, Kaz falls for it.

The rest of the episode, with Kaz getting stuck in a shipping crate and BB-8 trying to thwart the thief, is more static, undifferentiated action and slapstick. There’s something a little amusing about Kaz having to contend with Flix’s pet “Bitey”, but otherwise this is standard, uninspired stuff. The bit with Flix and Orka being glad that Kaz let the tool go down with the ship than let a longtime competitor get his hands on it is solid, but the bulk of the episode is just not enough to sustain your interest.

I do appreciate the hints that the First Order is mining (presumably for kyber crystals to power Starkiller Base or so their weapon can tap into that planet’s core?), but it’s a lot of nonsense to get to that point.

Overall, kind of a waste of time.

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@andrewbloom I started reading a book about 5 minutes into watching this one and just left it on in the background, it was truly terrible!

@lefthandedguitarist You definitely didn't miss much!
