Shout by sp1ti

Eff me, this is a 2 cour show... going to drop this then. Really hoped for this to be an above average isekai but it really isn't. Any promise of individuality in the first episode was not touched upon and it instead went the boring Gary Stue-lets-be-friends-with-everyone route without a hint of an interesting story to be found.
(If you haven't seen a few of these enjoy yourself, be my guest but I'm too old for this now ;))

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@sp1ti I will not be your guest. Lewd anime -> trash anime

@aiven this show isn't very lewd by anime standards... unless a genderless slime is sexy? You seemed to like KILL La Kill which is even lewder so this can't be the sole reason :)

@sp1ti I think that what makes anime lewd is pervertness of characters and authors' accent on nudity. All these semi-lewd stuff in Kill La Kill were kinda like stylistic component that can be justified by plot (or I just really like this anime and made myself to ignore all lewds and now trying to justify myself...). Whereas in the slime there is nudity for the sake of nudity.

In the end it wasn't that lewd. But it was worse - just plain boring. No clue why I didn't drop it

@aiven Too bad but that is exactly why I dropped it in the first place :). The casual viewerbase still seemed to still like it a lot at the time hence my note :).

Your lewdness issue to me still seems like a lost cause in anime *g. I don't see nudity alone as much as an issue and didn't think it was used in a lewd way here. The big-milkies-head-over-heels ogre lady or the hostess ladies were more in the vain of fanservice tbh.

@sp1ti yeah, you are right, I overestimated lewdiness after couple of episodes, but turns out it wasn't big deal at all
