Shout by Λεφρίκη

The Umbrella Academy 2019


Shout by Λεφρίκη
BlockedParent2019-01-25T09:59:53Z— updated 2019-09-08T10:19:42Z

Both excited and terrified about this.. Let's hope it doesn't turn out like The Runaways
edit: Thankfully, it did not turn out like the Runaways and even though it has some differences from the comics, i love it.

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@3d7e2f4d-5215-4cba-a55e-76ef6eb7d4e9 Hulu is totally different from netflix, won't have the same style

@nightperseida true! There are however some good shows on Hulu and some bad ones on Netflix..

Totally! The Handmaid's Tale is exceptional and Netflix has A LOT of garbage.

@3d7e2f4d-5215-4cba-a55e-76ef6eb7d4e9 ugh! lets hope not. runaways was a major fuck up.

@nightperseida true handmaid's tale is exceptional bad :-D

@hildebread yeah, sure jan; whatever makes you feel comfortable

@3d7e2f4d-5215-4cba-a55e-76ef6eb7d4e9 I was afraid of the same thing but glad it didn't turn out like The Runaways.
