Review by Guy Pal

Polar 2019

Another movie in the genre "old mans kick ass". and a great addition to the genre. i saw the trailer and it Reminded me of Smokin' Aces (2006) and The Losers (2010) ,movies that are a lot of fun but also idiotic at times. and now i can say i enjoyed it! definitely a lot of fun, and nice experience. there are a few problems in the movie, the story is basic, sometimes it feel like a drag, and some poor shoting choices Raises a questions. but on the plus side a great soundtrack (by deadmau5). nice editing, a mix of guy ritchie, edgar wright and Darren Aronofsky. there are a vibe of music video(and a fun fact, this is what Jonas Åkerlund mostly do before). Mads Mikkelsen give a "i dont give a damm" performance and he do a great job. Vanessa Hudgens is not relly a lot in the movie but whan she is on the screen she give a good performance. Matt Lucas, i am not a big fan of him. but as the villain he is ok. the biggest enjoyment in the movie is the aesthetics the set design and clothing, very Camp and it add a lot to the movie.
i think it's not a must to see but its still fun action movie in the silly side, and most people can enjoy it.

i will like to see a squeal with a better story

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