Review by nutmac
BlockedParent2019-01-31T20:08:39Z— updated 2019-02-05T21:59:50Z

The first season of Kim's Convenience starts like a college production of Korean Simpsons. Uneven but generally solid performances, clever but unpolished writing, and low rent production value. Coupled with almost offensive amount of Konglish, I was ready to bail.

Then, something happened after a couple of episodes. Kim's family started to become more real and endearing. Performances were no longer caricature but nuanced and realistic.

It would be easy to characterize Appa (Mr. Kim) as Homer Simpsons. But underneath his rotund, prideful, stubborn exterior lies an immigrant who cares deeply for his family (including his estranged son). He may appear to be a stereotypical Korean immigrant dad, but he's a lot more than that.

Umma (Mrs. Kim) also initially appears to be a stereotypical Korean mom, placing too much weight on what other people think. But we see that she's conflicted, who understand the flaws in her upbringings, evolving to place greater value in her family's happiness and well being.

Their kids, Jung and Janet, are likewise flawed, but they are good kids with many great qualities that would make any parents proud. Surrounded by amazing supporting characters (Shannon and Gerald are stand outs), the first seasons ends with big potentials and lots of hearts.

I look forward to the second season.

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