Shout by ner0

Overlord 2018

Not great, not bad; I despise the decision to erase Nazi symbols in the name of political correctness. Surprisingly, Hitler isn't referred to as Hydra... this PC stuff is actually dumb because their usage is fair under the context, its omission not only does a disservice to historical authenticity, but it also breaks some of the immersion - obviously that the movie isn't a "true story", but neither is Indiana Jones. I'm not really sure why though, but for whatever reason I found the movie less compelling than it potentially could have been. A good watch nonetheless.

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@ner0p Why would despise that? I don't understand ? Its clear what the movie was about and didn't need to have that put out to all to see.

@mark_willmer Well, I think I should first clarify that I have no sympathy for fascism or Nazism. I despise the decision to not use authenticity whenever possible. You said it's clear what the movie is about, all the more reason... are we going to deny the plot involves fighting evil Nazis? It does, obviously. As weapons, maybe they might as well have used arrows, laser sabers, or blasters - seeing as it was clear what the movie was about.

The fact that the "artistic" direction decided to do away with the actual symbology and replace it with something else is nothing more than PC - which is what I despise about it. Even a movie that recounts the odd story of a man that killed Hitler and then the Bigfoot uses authentic symbology, always a plus.

You end your comment with "didn't need to have that put out to all to see". This was also an interesting choice of words, it indicates that you view the usage of Nazi symbology not as authenticity but as damaging propaganda, void of any context, as if the spectator is mindless and would see it as an obscenity.

Why would you rate this movie 10? That I really don't understand.

@ner0p Wow
Then maybe you should have said all that in your review.
"10" because I enjoyed it, so did the people that watched it with me.

@mark_willmer I guess you're right, maybe I should have elaborated more. I enjoyed the movie as I said in my initial comment, the rant about the symbology is more of a side note, even though it seems to be the main factor in my appreciation of the movie. I think that there was more potential, felt "under-developed" as another comment mentioned. Glad you liked it though.
