I knew that they'd want to get their money's worth out of using Chris Pine in this miniseries, but I thought that he'd play a fictional composite of various real people, and that his role would be to keep the plot moving along. Instead, in the end, Jay Singletary was entirely his own fictional person, which made him more of a distraction than anything else. Still, he had Fauna's back and earned the degree of tropical redemption that he found in the end. George Hodel, on the other hand, ended up being every bit as sleazy and skeevy as one would imagine based on the actual facts, and it's too bad that art imitated life here and he didn't die a horrible, slow death in a fire. Finally, Fauna proved to be every bit as smart and resourceful as she'd been all along, but I found her crushing critique of Hodel to be beyond what a typical 16-year-old would have been capable of. Nonetheless, I enjoyed hearing her deliver every word of it. Overall, the ending was anticlimactic, but mostly satisfactory if for no other reason than the fact that Hodel didn't win while both Jay and Fauna did, in a manner of speaking.

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