Shout by Lineage

The Widow 2019

I was uninterested while watching the series premiere but got slightly interested nearing the end of the episode. It became more enjoyable from that moment forward, though still had some boring moments. I feel like I'm starting to have this view more and more with shows I have a similar reaction to and that it's becoming my imminent reaction, but I wouldn't rewatch this show. Shows that I wouldn't mind rewatching entirely or just certain episodes despite already watching it are what I consider to be good shows. This show isn't bad enough to the point where I just can't watch all of it, thankfully, but I don't find it good enough to where I'd watch it again. In fact, I probably wouldn't have even given it a shot if Kate Beckinsale wasn't the main actor or in it at all even though I'm indifferent about her and haven't watched anything else with her in it.

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