Shout by Jumped-up pantry boy

Love, Death & Robots 2019

The quality of the shorts in this collection varies massively, with some being amazing and others being total dog shit - Pun intended.
This ranking only includes the shorts I consider worth watching. My score would be a lot higher if not for the other ones; skip them imho:

  1. 3rd: The Witness (by Alberto Mielgo!)
  2. 14th: Zima Blue
  3. 2nd: Three Robots
  4. 6th: When The Yogurt Took Over
  5. 11th: Helping Hand
  6. 1st: Sonnie's Edge
  7. 5th: Sucker of Souls
  8. 8th: Good Hunting
  9. 9th: The Dump
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@plseatmy-3 Obviously you are entitled to your own opinion, but my is that it's worth watching all the episodes to see what ideas the creators had for their episode. I agree that not all are great - production wise. Some things are a bit off like voice acting and facial expressions in some episodes, but overall everyone will find something good for themselves.

@sin1111 Obviously; I don't want anyone, who doesn't know my sensibilities and is therefore unable to put it into context, to follow the advice. Neither will anyone though because, as you pointed out, this is just my opinion.
I want to mention that I my main issues aren't the produtions though (which doesn't mean I understand the decision to have half of them be boring, photo-realistic 3D). I excluded the other shorts specifically because they are uninteressting, cliché, anglo-centric -something the whole anthology struggles with-, and militaristic. The pinacle of which is obviously the border-line offensive Shape-Shifters; I don't understand how this was even approved into the anthology tbh. Thx I hate it.


Reply by Deleted

@plseatmy-3 I'm actually kind of curious to know what, specifically, you found so borderline offensive about Season 1 Episode 10 'Shape Shifters'. I have my own problems with this anthology, but found that episode to be pretty decent.

@plseatmy-3 If you think simply including Taliban in a movie makes it offensive then I don't really know what to say. If anything, Shape Shifters was anti-military as it portrayed the US soldiers as too regimented and unempathetic towards even their own people.

Additionally, I enjoyed the inclusion of the photo-realistic 3D ones as I'm a game dev and it's cool to see what kinds of effects the engines can produce nowadays. I definitely understand that they lack the artistic aspect though (I agree with you by the way that The Witness was the best; I didn't necessarily enjoy the episode itself but the animation was gorgeous).

@plseatmy-3 I would do the Secret Battle on the list, it was good too :D

@plseatmy-3 your taste is dog shit, no pun intended... all of them are great and they all deserve a watch...
