Review by Enrico Camillieri

What Happened to Monday 2017

An interesting concept that could have been executed better.

The dystopian premise is fascinating, even though it requires the audience to suspend its disbelief more times than I think its reasonable (For example, are we to believe that with all the technology we see in the movie, the best solution to twins is to "freeze" them? I think even today there are procedures to abort one twin.). That aside, the movie start as a captivating thriller. While searching for Monday, the other sisters have to pretend everything is normal. Too bad that towards the end the movie turns into an action movie, forgetting its thriller start.

Cinematography was decent, not spectacular but acceptable. The action scene felt "blurry" to me, too many quick cuts.

Noomi Rapace acted great. The scenes with all the siblings at once felt natural and that's a great accomplishment to the actress and the whole editing team. The siblings were differenciated enough to not cause problem following the story, though they were not very profound characters (one was nerdy, one was athletic, the blonde was ditzy etc.). I don't know why the main character had an accent when everyone around them did not. I know that Rapace is swedish, but it makes no sense.

It's not a bad movie. With a better, less rushed ending it would have been so much better.


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