One of the more interesting and fun episodes of late, IMO. Although that "Miss Teschmacher!" moment... damn...

My only real quibbles:

Why does the Department of Corrections hire and pay such morons? Especially the five near the helicopter, as they came running in near the end, after they must have seen what happened to the three near the door. They should have been shooting on sight from where they were. But, no. Run forward into the traps, you fools. Sigh. That scene could have been just as Lex-outsmarts-everyone impressive if those officers hadn't been idiots.

And when will J'onn realize that not everything has to be so abolutely one or the other? We are all a mix of both, light and dark, peace and violence, etc. Even a man of peace occasionally has to defend peace; that doesn't make him any less a man of peace.

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