[7.0/10] There’s a lot of filler in this one. I don’t know why, in the lead-up to the finale, we need to have Kaz getting in a scuba suit fight with some stormtroopers, or to see a ball droid vs. ball droid street fight. I guess it’s supposed to be fun, but the show’s animation is so stiff and stuttery that it’s hard to get into it. At least we get a lot of fun Neeku banter. (His bits about blowfish and being called “buddy” were positively Pinky-esque.)

The one part of this episode I found really interesting is Tam being coaxed and turned by Agent Tierny. While she’s obviously playing Tam, she’s using true things, like that Yeager kept things from her and put her in danger, that give Tam a right to be mad. The actress who voices Tam still feels a bit wooden to me, but there’s at least good character writing for how she’d be sympathetic to the First Order and disillusioned about her mentor.

The rest of this is mostly place-setting. Buggles helping Kaz get to Torra, and Neeku and the refugees discovering that the Colossus can fly feels much more like setup than anything necessary for this episode. The same goes for Yeager and Captain Doza getting tossed in the same cell.

That just leaves the direct tie in to The Force Awakens with Kaz witnessing Hux’s speech on Starkiller base, just before it blows up the Hosnian system (something captured with an external camera for some reason?) It should be a devastating moment for Kaz, but we’ve only seen his dad once, and the actor who voices the character doesn't have the abilities as a performer to make a moment like that land.

Overall, this is a fairly underwhelming lead into the finale, with more filler and setups than anything worthwhile outside of Tam’s experience, but maybe it’ll be worth it with the payoff in the next episode.

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@andrewbloom While I know it won't happen, I would LOVE it if Tam actually joined The First Order and became some powerful evil character.

@toddcraft Sadly, Resistance doesn't seem to have the chutzpah for a move like that, but I agree. It would be really interesting to see a character the audience is made to be sympathetic to for a whole season switch sides and rise up the ranks.

@andrewbloom I haven't watched the final episode of Resistance yet so I don't know what happens, but it would be very cool if they had her leave with Tierney never to be heard from again and then have her show up somewhere in Episode 9 as a villain!

@toddcraft No spoilers for the finale (either in this comment or my previous one), and I apologize if I implied otherwise. Regardless of what Tam chooses to do in the next episode, I just don't see this show going whole hog on a heel turn for any of these characters, but who knows? I've been waiting for something introduced in the T.V. series to affect the movies in even a semi-significant way, and that would definitely be a cool way to pull it off.
