Review by Crocsx

I am not a big star trek fan, I barely know the old one. This show has been globally a good show for me to watch on the train while commuting. It has flow, it has good point but overall it is an enjoyable show with nice visual and a messy story but that is not worst than most of others shows.

But this episode was a pain to watch. It is full of goodbye that doesn't work, doesn't impact anybody emotionally because the fact that they are written in a very cliché way and that we also all know that none of what they say will happen.

So the episode just end up being a top 10 of the most cliché goodbyes ever seen in movies. and to be honest, it pointless to watch.

Also, I was starting to be annoyed about Burnam recently, being overly powered in all the show.
But I am definitely done now. The character stand out way to much compare to any other. The show should have been name Star Trek Burnam, not Discovery. This character really became unlikable over the episodes because she is to strong in everything, she do whatever she want she is like an entity alone way above Star fleet and all the "captains".

This episode made it even worst because you get +10min (that I ended up skipping) about the crew explaining how Burnam is amazing and will be missed and she is the best blabla. This is to much, this character has been so overly pushed that it became totally unlikable and unbearable. I enjoy MUCH more the scenes where Burnam is not there.

Anyway probably the worst episode of the season, nothing happen, only pointless talks.

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