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Lovelace 2013


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This tells the story of Linda Lovelace a porn actress of the 70's that became known because of her performance in the film Deep Throat. She was abused by her husband in many ways and he was the one that forced her to enter in the industry.
The 70's were well portrayed and the first half of the film is similar to Boogie Nights, showing how the porn industry was at the time.
Amanda Seyfried gave a good performance as Lovelace, as Peter Sarsgaard as her husband Chuck Traynor. Sharon Stone is almost unrecognizable as Lovelace's mother!

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De facto a Sharon Stone está quase irreconhecível, principalmente no inicio do filme.
Enquanto todas a personagens ao longo do filme vão envelhecendo, a da Sharon é que parece que vai ficando mais nova (só a reconheci no final do filme).


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haha sim... Foi um bocado estranho vê-la assim tão diferente! Mas sabes não gosto muito dela como actriz, acho que não tem lá muito jeitinho lol
