The only thing that bothered me about this episode was the Arya/Gendry hookup. So out of character. It seems like the writers are just arbitrarily throwing relationships at us (Note Sansa and Theon's few moments of knowing eye contact as well). But who knows? I guess sparks fly when you think you're going to die.

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@izzirose You felt the Arya/Gendry hookup is abitrary ?? Have you seen the show or read the books ? It's been there since the beginning !

@fly_ It felt arbitrarily paralleled to the chemistry between Sansa/Theon and Jaime/Brienne, and IMO gave the episode a more shallow feel. Not necessarily about the pairing, but the timing of it. I mean, like I said, I guess that’s just how it is when everyone believes they’re about to die.

@mrsquifler Maybe out of character was the wrong phrase. I just didn’t enjoy how it was being paralleled to the other potential romances and I felt like it took away from the episode’s solidarity.

@3onthree Why out of character? It seems a perfectly rational thing for her, at least, to want to do in that situation.
