Review by Saint Pauly

Avengers: Endgame 2019

The season 10 of Friends as a Marvel superhero movie. After all the hype, we knew it was going to be a let-down, we just didn't know it was going to be disappointing.

Compared to Avengers: Infinity War (and how can one not?), in which the multiple character angles were juggled with sufficient expertise, the different arcs were badly botched in Endgame. Minor characters chew up screen time and some characters we were led to believe were major appear so little their absence glows like a nuclear WTF.

And remember how we were warned there wouldn't be any moments to take a pee break? Oh my God, taking a leak isn't the concern, taking a nap is, because the real challenge the Avengers face through most of the film is staying awake.

The first two acts are overlong, with dialogue heavy, self-indulgent information dumps and its only in the tragically short climax that we get to see the sort of action that filled Infinity War from beginning to end.

The bottom line is that The Avengers: Endgame is not just worse than Infinity War, it's worse than Justice League. But of course it will make Disney buckets of money, which is what the studio wants, and fanboys will defend it tooth and nail, which is what they want, so the only ones left out in the cold are those of us who simply want to watch a halfway decent action flick.

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