Review by Mrtomtomman2000

Avengers: Endgame 2019

Just watched Avengers Endgame at the cinema and OH anyone who is watching this is in for a real three hour treat, which has lots of twists and turns along the way. All I will say about this movie is this is the Endgame that you will never predict any fan theories fly out the window as you are going to get properly mind blown as it would be one of the last endings that you would expect. If you thought Infinity War had you scratching your heads full of theories, well endgame just blows out the window and who knows what will happen next. All I say is I would definitely recommend watching this awesome movie as there will be funny parts and a lot of emotionally challenging scenes and a lot of action like the typical Marvel Movies we know and love, nevertheless you will find that you will not be disappointed I definitely recommend watching it as there will be many more MCU Movies to come to explain the aftermath of this movie. I cannot wait to see more Marvel Movies as I am so impressed on how the screen play writers has constructed this incredible universe of stories and how well it has been portrayed by the incredible very hugely talented actors in this film by new actors and returning actors alike they have all done a brilliant job Well Done And Congratulations. :scream::scream::scream::scream::sob::sob::sob::sob::cowboy::cowboy::grinning::thumbsup::heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::star_struck::star_struck::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::tada::tada:

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