Review by Deleted

RoboCop 2014


Review by Deleted

First of all I have to say that I never saw any of the other RoboCop films and I didn't know much about the story, just very few stuff. I've been reading bad reviews about this film, maybe because it has a huge number of fans and the idea of making a reboot was not pleasent. It's not a perfect film but since I had nothing to compare it with I can say that it was pretty entertaining, stylish and very cool to watch!

The action scenes are pretty good, the special effects are awesome and that's what a film like this is suppose to deliver but there's also a very strong and deep emotional touch that is not very common in this type of action flick. The film questions aspects about the meaning of humanity, conciousness, ethics, free will, politics and corruption so I think it tries to deliver some important messages to the audience and I liked that.

I guess the biggest problem with this film is that there's so much things going on at the same time! One of my major complaints about it is the background story. I would like to had seen explained more aspects of Alex Murphy investigation before his murder. Murphy and his partner Lewis had no chemistry. Due to the emotional charge that the film wants to provide, the personal family drama of Murphy's new life that is dragged along the whole story but not always works throughout the film.

Joel Kinnaman gives an emotional and pretty effective performance as Alex Murphy and as RoboCop. There's some awesome action scenes during the film but I think one of my favorite scenes, is a dialogue between Michael Keaton and Gary Oldman. Their performances were great! I really enjoyed Michael Keaton's performance, I think he stole every scene where he was in and Gary Oldman is always great, that man does nothing wrong.

Overall, RoboCop might be a disappointment for his loyal fans but for me, for the genre it was pretty decent.

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I just wanted to bring to your notice something. There is a mark that says: "This is a longer and more detailed review" to the left side of the comment section. You should use it, because most of your comments are reviews and not shouts. ;)


Reply by Deleted

Oh yes :/ Thank you for your observation. I'll do that next time!


Reply by Deleted

I have to write more than 200 words to be able to click in "This is a longer and more detailed review". This last two reviews that I posted I had to post them as a shout. But from now on I will always check if I can post them as reviews :) Thanks again!

I changed this to a review, thanks for contributing :) Now to watch the movie myself and see how I like it.


Reply by Deleted

You're welcome and thank you ;) Enjoy!
