What was this, Disney’s Game of Thrones? All these seasons of build-up... and we get this? How many characters of importance died?

I’m disappointed.

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There are three more episodes to go.

@blue-lena Sure, but... this war has been looming since the very first episode of the show. The Night King, a 10 000 year old mythical being, who has always been the greatest threat, only manages to kill two characters of significance and is killed in a Deus Ex Machina fashion by an 18 year old with a few years of training.

Furthermore, how could Jaime possibly have survived? Brienne? Sam? Jon?

I liked about 85% of the episode, but the rest was extremely disappointing.

@blue-lena Who cares. The big bad who has been the looming threat, the REAL BIG ENEMY, got killed in 2 seconds by a teenager.

Having Cersei as the "big bad" in the end is just completely and utterly stupid.

@zejho because more character deaths = better? pfff... GoT is not a fan service low quality bullsh*t

@elyran You're right, which is exactly why this was a fairy tale episode in a lot of ways, and in complete contrast to previous seasons of the show. But you're also wrong, THIS was fan service.

@zejho I kindly disagree... The only thing the "viewers" want is more important characters to die... and they didn't give that to us, that's an interesting and bold choice.


@elyran Really, what the viewers want is for their favorite characters to die? All of them had plot armor this episode.
