Review by Andrew Bloom

Veep: Season 7

7x05 Super Tuesday

[7.5/10] I always find it interesting when comedies go dramatic. It’s not a mode that Veep uses a lot -- it’s not exactly a sentimental show -- but seeing Selina genuinely broken up about her ex-husband being blown up, and her potentially being responsible for it, is an interesting look from the a character who’s usually entirely heartless. The way it balances her messed up feelings for Andrew and her messed up involvement with the Chinese, potentially solving one problem while deepening the other, makes it an interesting choice for the series that’s seemingly had a “throw it against the wall and see what sticks” mentality this season.

I also continue to enjoy the Jonah material. Having Amy as his mercenary, Selina-hating campaign manager doesn't thrill me just yet, particularly with the more interesting place that she started this season, but Jonah’s orbit still brings the laughs. Having his birtherism attack backfire and reveal that his stepdad is his real dad (and also his mom’s second cousin) is an amusing, if weird comic reversal. The implication that his half-sister/wife is pregnant shows that Game of Thrones isn’t the only HBO show that can do strange incest storylines! More than the plot material, Jonah as a hapless Trump stand-in at speeches and as still a ten-year-old boy at his mom’s house brings the comedy here.

I also like Dan trying to weasel his way into being Richard’s chief of staff now that he’s a hero on the rise, and I like that Richard’s genuineness and honesty makes him surprisingly effective at rising up the political ranks. It’s a neat counterbalance to the rest of the sharp-elbowed politics on the show, and Richard himself continues to be utterly delightful.

Otherwise, Mike’s little streaming show continues to be funny (as is how Selina uses it without really understanding it). Ben and Kent’s exchanges with Selina continue to be hilarious. And the primary campaign folderol is good fodder for the show’s one-liners and insults. The close commentary on current events is still not something I love, but I am definitely still liking this season.

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