Should we pretend this season never happened?

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@mamedeluisf we should. It couldn’t be worse.

@mamedeluisf We should not, enough with the sweet, happy ending bullshit that hollywood is churning out year after year. Finally a show that dares to go where no one went before.

@larcenet I didn't want a happy ending and I wasn't hoping it would happen either. All I wanted was a decent ending. This is not it. I'm not questioning what happen, but the way it did. It felt rushed, poorly explained and almost everyone was out of character. There were so many inconsistencies in the plot that it didn't even felt like I was watching GoT, it felt like some random CW show. But anyway, it's a matter of opinion. You have the right to like it and I have the right to dislike it.

@larcenet This just seems like they wanted to blow things up and didn't care at all. It's crazy and honnestly, this is way more happy than I ever expected it to end like (at least for now, maybe last episode will be an incredible ' owo'). The whole promise of a bittersweet ending, like the books, is not at all happening.
