I'm seeing some negative reactions in here. Well, I quite liked it tbh. Had me glued to the screen the whole time. Maybe I don't remember the quality of seasons 1-5 or maybe I'm just happy with little, who knows. Everyone seems to hate this season and I have to say I'm not 100% happy with it. BUT. I really liked this episode. Anyway, what can I say.

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@gatocheshire5 it wasn't that bad, but at the same time, there are so many questions and so many why did they do that! they could've done that instead especially with Jamie and Cersei's death that was terrible! :(

@alaa21 I definitely see that. The first one to pop up in my mind is... what the F*** Daenerys??? I get that you are angry and all that but... What? But, at the same time, watching her did what she did, seeing Cersei tremble in fear... It's kind of crazy, but in a good, beautiful way, if you know what I mean. I get that it is not the best script of the series (one could arguee that it isn't even a good one) but it's so emotionally raw and devastating that it got me hooked the whole time. And, at the end of the day, that is the reason why we are all here, right?

@gatocheshire5 the season is good. The show is still good. It's just that seasons 1-6 were not just good, they were fantastic. The writing especially, was amazing. Season 7 and 8 don't have the books to follow, so they are having to write on their own, and it really does show. It doesn't help that the seasons have been shorter, making the show feel rushed. As a stand alone season, it's good, but as a season of Game of Thrones, it's bad.

They are really rushing the story, I still think this was my favorite episode this season.

@gatocheshire5 you're a good man Alex.

@gatocheshire5 well she's the new mad queen, so I think it actually makes sense and was well hinted at

@gatocheshire5 Thank you, someone I 100% agree with. Most of the complainers are just butthurt I guess that their weird little theories did not play out the way they have been imagining it for almost 2 years. I’m genuinely happy that I can be among the people who still absolutely love the show and enjoy almost every second of it, regardless of some minor flaws (but be honest people every show has some flaws or elements that you don’t like sometimes..)

I really can't understand how people can still love this season. Even the actors already expressed their disappointment about the ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA7UQOYskas . Basically the only good thing about this seasons are the high quality, funny memes after each worse episode :laughing: The bad things? I don't even know where to start...

@gatocheshire5 I'm fine with where the story has gone, it's just that they took no time to get there. Dany spent years becoming a compassionate and beloved leader, only to become the Mad Queen in a matter of weeks, with only a handful of lines to build it up. For me, I just miss the story and character development that was developed from the books.

@gatocheshire5 I totally agree with you. Loved the episode, glued to the screen and how characters behaved were completely logic to me. Jaime did a marvelous journey and you could see there was good in him but then again Jaime HIMSELF does not believe he is good or deserves good (with Brienne) so he goes back to his 1 eternal love his twin sister to die together....
Danny obviously she was mad, totally not out of character and with all her friends/family dead and a new guy with beter claim to the throne, she lost her marbles.

2 words: Loved it

@gatocheshire5 I totaly agree... everyone is upset that the season didnt go as all wanted, with happy end and stuff... Everyone seems to forget what show they are whatching... this is freaking GoT, there are thinks like the red wedding, ned stark etc. shit happens...
Ramsay Bolton said it to Theon - I beleve in season 5 or so - "If you think this has a happy ending, you havent been paying attention"

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@gatocheshire5 I agree with you. At this point I'm beginning to think that people want to hate on it for the sake of joining everyone else. It's definitely not for everyone, then again what show's ending is? It was shocking, but still very human. Wars usually don't have fairytale ends, and it was kind of nice to see the hero most have cheered for since the very beginning, take such a turn. The antagonist we've seen for most of the series was overshadowed by them even. Idk it was just a really interesting take compared to what else could have happened, and I'd say I truly enjoyed it.
